Frequently Asked Questions

  • We can provide you a quote based of plans. Otherwise we will meet you on site to discuss your ideas for your project and send through a quote from there.

  • Is most instances.. no. However depending on the work taking place it may be required. We would discuss that with you in the quotation stage.

  • Yes we do, if we need to hire additional equipment, you will be notified and this be discussed with you before any hiring of equipment takes place.

  • Yes, we will do the best given the circumstances. If the current paint is too exposed to fading or damage we would recommend painting the entire space.

  • All depends on how busy we are. Generally 4-6 weeks. Best bet is to contact us as soon as possible and we may have an opening to begin sooner.

  • We will discuss a means of access with you prior to project starting.

  • We can all brands of paints.. Dulux, Resene, Wattyl, the lot. All comes down too colour and what may already be on surface.